Anchor Bible Report 15: The Apocryphal Lives of the Companions of Paul
As my readers on Twitter are aware, I have been posting reports on my latest project: an introduction to Christian apocrypha for the Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library. I am back to the project after taking a month to complete the indices to More New Testament Apocrypha vol. 3, but I feel . . . disenchanted with Twitter lately and thought I would switch the forum for these reports to my neglected blog. There are no megalomaniacs or racists here, and no one to tell me how many characters I can use.
This past week I turned my attention away from the five “great” apocryphal acts and worked on some later acts focusing on the companions of Paul: Barnabas, Timothy, and Titus. I figured these texts would make a gentle re-entry into the project. All three main texts appear in MNTA 1 and have companion e-Clavis entries, so the scholarship should be up-to-date. Well, it’s been more difficult than I thought.
Joseph Barnabas appears in Acts as an “apostle” (14:14) and early recruit of the church in Jerusalem. He is introduced as a Jew from Cyprus who gave all of his money to the church (Acts 4:36–37). When Paul makes his first visit to the Jerusalem church, Barnabas comes to his defense (9:26–27) and then travels with Paul and John Mark until the group is divided (15:36–40)—Paul refuses to travel with John Mark because he had abandoned them in Pamphylia (13:13). Barnabas and John Mark sail away to Cyprus and …