2013 York Christian Apocrypha Symposium Profiles: Jean-Michel Roessli
This year's York Christian Apocrypha Symposium, “Forbidden Texts on the Western Frontier: The Christian Apocrypha in North American Perspectives,” is just over a week away (September 26–28, 2013). If you are interested in attending, please register BY E-MAIL as soon as possible (remember, it's free for students, but you should register if you want to receive the papers ahead of time). For more information, see the Symposium's web page (HERE).
Jean-Michel Roessli, “North American Approaches to the Study of the Christian Apocrypha on the World Stage”
Jean-Michel Roessli is an Associate Professor of historical theology in the Department of Theological Studies at Concordia University, Montreal. His interests lie in the Jewish and Christian appropriation of pagan culture (Orpheus, the Sibyls), Christian apocryphal literature—particularly the Sibylline Oracles and their reception throughout the centuries—as well as the history of Christian thought and doctrine.
For a few years now, he has been a member of the AELAC (Association pour l’étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne), contributing to the group particularly as the coordinator and a co-director of their paperback series “Apocryphes,” and as a member of the editorial board of Apocrypha: International Journal for Apocryphal Literature. He is also as member of the editorial board for the Laval théologique et philosophique, and of Memini: Travaux et Documents, the journal of the “Société d’études médiévales du Québec (SÉMQ).
Roessli’s most recent publications include: “Alexandrie, berceau de la poésie sibylline juive et chrétienne,” in G. Dorival – A. Le Boulluec – F. Moeri (eds.), Alexandrie la Divine (Paris: Cerf, 2014); “Les mystères païens et le mystère chrétien d’Alfred Loisy (1857-1940) et sa place dans les débats sur les origines du christianisme au début du XXe siècle,” in F. Amsler (ed.), Alfred Loisy dans l’histoire de l’exégèse biblique et des sciences des religions. Actes du colloque de Lausanne 16-17 juin 2011 (due in 2013); “Sébastien Castellion et les oracula Sibyllina,” in Marie-Christine Gomez-Géraud (ed.), Sébastien Castellion: Des Écritures à l’Écriture. Actes du colloque international, Université de Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense, 15-16 avril 2010 (Paris: Garnier, 2013), p. 223-238; “Les Oracles sibyllins,” in B. Pouderon and E. Norelli (eds.), Histoire de la littérature grecque chrétienne. Tome 2: De Paul apôtre à Irénée de Lyon (Paris : Cerf, 2012), p. 591-618; and “The Passion Narrative in the Sibylline Oracles,” in Tobias Nicklas, Andreas Merkt and Joseph Verheyden, Gelitten – Gestorben – Auferstanden. Passions- und Ostertraditionen im antiken Christentum (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe. 273, 2010), p. 299-327.