2013 York Christian Apocrypha Symposium Profiles: F. Stanley Jones
This year's York Christian Apocrypha Symposium, “Forbidden Texts on the Western Frontier: The Christian Apocrypha in North American Perspectives,” is now only six weeks away (September 26–28, 2013). If you are interested in attending, please register as soon as possible (remember, it's free for students, but you should register if you want to receive the papers ahead of time). For more information, see the Symposium's web page (HERE).
F. Stanley Jones, “The Distinctive Sayings of Jesus Shared by Justin and the Pseudo-Clementines”
F. Stanley Jones is Professor of Religion at California State University (Long Beach, California). A scholar of Jewish Christianity, his research focuses on the Pseudo-Clementines, writings which purport to relate Clement of Rome’s travels in the Mediterranean and his conversion to Christianity. Jones has suggested a third-century Syrian provenance for the Pseudo-Clementines. His views on the texts are reflected in An Ancient Jewish Christian Source on the History of Christianity: Pseudo-Clementine “Recognitions” 1.27-71 (Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars, 1995) and his recently-published collection of essays entitled, Pseudoclementina Elchasaiticaque inter Judaeochristiana: Collected Studies (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 203; Leuven: Peeters, 2012)
“The apocrypha fill in and fill out aspects of the biblical stories in ingenious ways that reflect astonishing depths in ancient Christian imagination and thought,” Jones says. “Once you have read and appreciated these accounts, it is impossible to interact with the Bible again without recalling the details of these writings.” Considered the foremost scholar of the Pseudo-Clementines, Jones received his PhD from Vanderbilt University. He is currently the Director of the Institute for the study of Judaeo-Christian Origins, which seeks to engage students and scholars of ancient Judaeo-Christian and Islamic traditions though educational programs and opportunities.