A Blog Devoted to the Study of Christian Apocrypha
Manuscript Collating for Dummies
by Tony
I have added to my homepage Collating for Dummies, a tongue-in-cheek guide to manuscript research that I created back in 2000 for a presentation on my graduate work (which involved preparing a critial edition of the Greek manuscripts of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas). It is aimed specifically at acquiring and editing manuscripts of Christian Apocrypha, though it can be useful to novices in any area of text criticism. The guide is a little out-of-date now (I no longer even have the software I used to create it) but I'm in no hurry to revise it. I have dragged it out a few times in the intervening years to pass on to students the lessons I learned preparing the critical edition. Enjoy.
One comment
That was you!
I went to that talk and I thought the Collating for Dummies was brilliant! I still have it in my files.
That was you!
I went to that talk and I thought the Collating for Dummies was brilliant! I still have it in my files.